Make a Sky Viewer

A Soar Together @ Air and Space Family Day Activity

Designed for families with kids ages 3 and up

You can make a simple sky viewer to help you gaze at stars, planets, and more! People around the world have made sky viewers out of buildings, objects, and other tools to help them see better.

Our sky viewer is a device that you can hold in your hands and look through with one or both of your eyes. A sky viewer helps our eyes focus on things that might be harder to see if we look at the whole sky at once.

You can use your sky viewer in the daytime to look at birds and clouds, or at night time to look at the Moon, planets, and stars!

Choose from two options of sky viewer styles:

Image of two tubes of rolled paper.

This design will help you use one eye to view the sky.

Image of a piece of cardboard with a square hole cut in the center.

This design will let you use both eyes to view the sky, while still helping you focus on the objects in the sky.